Alois Neuhold (A)

Not from here

70% drawing
10% sculpture
20% heresy
The work of Styrian painter Alois Neuhold – who was ordained a priest, only to be suspended soon afterwards, before he began studying painting – is a blend of political commitment and artistic expression of a kind that allows the concreteness of truth to surpass its daily requirement. The provocative potential that Neuhold’s political actions, with their vision of unhinging an entire institution, unleashed twenty or thirty years ago in the church system, is equally visible in each of his forceful paintings and drawings. The materialisation of the spiritual, a primal theme of art, becomes concrete in Neuhold’s monastic existence as a painter, is transferred into the realm of the poetic and at the same time, sacralised in a subversive, profane manner.

Exhibition openings

Guided tour

With Alois Neuhold (A)
Curated by Theresa Pasterk & Johannes Rauchenberger (A)
Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten

Date and Facts

29/09 - 18/11
bei den Minoriten
Tue - Fri 10 am - 5 pm
Sat & Sun 10.30 am - 6 pm

4 / 3 €

Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten