Ton Steine Erben

Live concerts

75% concert
25% politics
Sat 29/09, 10.30 pm
Moddi (N)

He refused a lucrative grant from the Statoil petroleum company for political reasons and Pål Moddi Knutsen, alias Moddi, composes his songs – at least apocryphally – in a little fishing village in Norway on a borrowed accordion, a stolen Russian mandolin and a blue guitar that turned up at some point. His first concert in Austria will feature some as yet unpublished songs, with his voice – shimmering like the northern lights – effortlessly lighting up the polar night in Graz.

Fri 12/10, 10.30 pm
Die Türen (D)

The songs of Die Türen walk the line between everyday social life, political observations, digital lifeworlds, and pop discourse. Self-deprecating, Dadaist and witty, Maurice Summen (operator of the Staatsakt label), Ramin Bijan, Michael Mühlhaus (formerly Blumfeld), Chris Immler (Driver & Driver) and Andreas Spechtl (Ja, Panik) rock along in the classical, but always dislocated discourse pop tradition. They are presenting their current album “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” for the first time live in Austria at steirischer herbst.

Sat 13/10, 10.30 pm
Haight-Ashbury (GB)

Summer of Love, California Dreaming, San Francisco, Beatniks, Hippies: Haight-Ashbury is the home of alternative lifestyle and culture. Although the Glaswegian band Haight-Ashbury is coming to Graz for the first time, girlfriends Jen and Kirsty and their brother Scott pay tribute to the era, the style, the culture of the sixties with psychedelic folk pop – sometimes dark, sometimes lilting – with forceful melodies full of tambourine and sitar sounds.

Project sponsors spark7 & digitalis

Date and Facts

Moddi (N)
Sat 29/09, 10.30 pm
Camp: Living room
8 €

Die Türen (D)
Fri 12/10, 10.30 pm
Camp: Living room
8 €

Haight-Ashbury (GB)
Sat 13/10, 10.30 pm
Camp: Living room
8 €

Camp: Living room