The Piracy Project (GB)

Camp Library

The Piracy Project is an international publishing and exhibition activity, exploring the philosophical, legal and practical implications of book piracy through creative modes of reproduction: A collection of modified, appropriated and copied books from artists all over the world as a starting point for conversations around the concepts of originality, authorship and copyright. Before and during the marathon camp, the library will be expanded by the addition of new volumes as part of the search for artistic strategies as political means.

Truth is concrete
A 24/7 marathon camp on artistic strategies in politics and political strategies in art

Date and Facts

21/09 - 14/10

21/09 (2 pm) - 28/09 (4 pm)
00.00 - 24.00

29/09 - 13/10
Mon - Fri 12 noon - 8 pm
Sat & Sun 10.30 am - 8 pm

Admission free

Camp: Library