Die Türen

Ton Steine Erben / Live concerts

The songs of Die Türen walk the line between everyday social life, political observations, digital lifeworlds, and pop discourse. Self-deprecating, Dadaist and witty, Maurice Summen (operator of the Staatsakt label), Ramin Bijan, Michael Mühlhaus (formerly Blumfeld), Chris Immler (Driver & Driver) and Andreas Spechtl (Ja, Panik) rock along in the classical, but always dislocated discourse pop tradition. They are presenting their current album “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” for the first time live in Austria at steirischer herbst.

Before and after the concert: DJ Fett (9 pm - 3 am)

Ton Steine Erben: Live concerts

Date and Facts

Fri 12/10, 10.30 pm
Camp: Living room
8 €

Camp: Living room
